13 June 2009

about affinity

My life in the branding and marketing business over the past decade has been quite a ride. 
The firms I worked for or managed were boutique in size and character, so I learned to do everything from win new business to write web copy.  But if I had to sum up my work in one word it would be "storytelling."  Certainly that's been the most enjoyable aspect.   

Most of the clients who have trusted me to help them over the years have made their living growing companies or shaping our city in some way.    I've gotten to meet some truly fascinating people - characters if you will - so a good story was always close at hand.

The purpose of my Affinity blog is to do more of what I've enjoyed so much in my professional life - telling stories about interesting human beings that touch our lives.  Since there is no shortage of story-worthy people, I'm outlining some criteria.  The first is criteria is that my subjects must have lived in Cincinnati for at least part of their lives, leaving some kind of imprint here.  The second, for now at least, is that they're over 60 years of age.  

Recently, as my husband and I were talking about our community and the people who have shaped it, we realized that we have been personally mentored, befriended or just genuinely amused by a large group of Cincinnatians who are 60+.  Everyone wants to feature the "YPs" and in doing so show the youthfulness and potential of a community.  While I'm keenly aware of the importance of this approach from a development standpoint, my personal interest is getting to know the hearts and minds of people who have been here awhile.  

I'm partly doing this because it will be fun - interviews, photographs and the whole journalistic searching thing without the realities of deadline pressures.  I'm also doing this to capture the lives of some pretty remarkable people who have touched this city, to help them leave a legacy. 

Let's see how it goes....

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